How it works

You should define a structure: FIELD_NAME: VALIDATION_RULE

  • FIELD_NAME is a name of field to validate
  • VALIDATION_RULE is a name of function to be called. It can be function that builds validator or maybe just a validation function itself. Some arguments can be passed to the function - "{ VALIDATION_RULE: ARGUMENTS }". You may pass an array of validation rules. If you want to pass several arguments you should use array.


'required' or {'required': [] } becomes:


{ 'max_length': 5 } or { 'max_length': [5] } becomes:


{'length_between': [1,10] } becomes:


{'one_of': [['Kiev','Moscow']] } (this is old syntax) becomes:

one_of(['Kiev', 'Moscow']);

{'one_of': ['Kiev','Moscow'] } (supported from v0.4) becomes:

one_of('Kiev', 'Moscow');

{'my_own_rule': [1, [2, 3], 'bla'] } becomes:

my_own_rule(1, [2, 3], 'bla');

Validator receives value to validate and returns an error message(in case of failed validation) or empty string(in case of success). Thats all.

So, the idea is that there is a tiny core which can be easly extended with new rules.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""